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Showing posts from May 3, 2021

In Bulimia Recovery? – Do You Want To Beat Bulimia?

  Bulimia Recovery? – Do You Want To Beat Bulimia? Are you ready to stop binging & purging and experience bulimia recovery? About half of us give up on our goals during the first week; so if you set a goal to beat bulimia, leave binging and purging in the past and experience bulimia recovery just read on to learn how to stay motivated. Let’s say, “stop binge eating” is your desired goal. However, if this is how you describe your goal, then you will find it hard to achieve because it does not focus on the positive or anything tangible. Focusing on the positive is the way to bulimia recovery. Reframe your goal by answering these questions: – What would you like to accomplish today? – Who can assist you in dealing with this difficulty? – If a miracle happened tonight, and tomorrow you didn’t have this problem, how would you know? – What would let you know? Now develop your goal using the steps below. This will help you stay on the path to bulimia recovery. MAKE YOUR GOAL SMART! Step 1

Increase Metabolism to Lose Weight

  Metabolic Rate refers to the rate one expends calories in a given period of time. Essentially, it is the rate by which we expend energy through the chemical breakdown of burning calories. Not only do we spend calories during periods of work and during exercise, we also burn calories at rest simply to keep our cells alive. This is a vial point to understand! What I am referring to is known as the Basil, or resting, metabolic rate. In fact, you burn more during your resting hours than you do during periods of exercise! For example, one hours worth of tennis or basketball could burn about 600 or so calories. One hour at rest may burn only 90 or so. But you might only play one hours worth of tennis three or four times a week, while your resting metabolic rate is what you burn 24/7. It is easy to see that 90 times 24 times 7 is significantly greater than 600 times 4. (90 * 24 * 7 = 15120 vs. 600 * 4 = 2400). The point I am making is not that exercise is useless, it is the importance of th