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Showing posts from May 2, 2021

How Can You Lose Weight After Pregnancy?

  On average, a woman gains between 25 and 35 pounds during her pregnancy. During and labor and immediately after delivery a new mother might shed 10 to 15 pounds of that. This leaves from 10 to 25 additional pounds of weight left on the new moms new body. It can be a source of great shock, disappointment, frustration, and despair to a woman to discover that after giving birth she can no longer fit into the clothes she wore prior to the pregnancy. Losing weight after pregnancy is not a fools errand, but neither is it an easy errand; it requires patience, a realistic attitude, a positive outlook, and when it comes down to it persistence and dedication. A realistic outlook by any means is to expect to lose no more than 1 or 2 pounds per week. For an extra 10 to 25 pounds, then, that can take anywhere from 2 months to 2 years. Theres no quick fix to losing weight after pregnancy not a sustainable and lasting one, at least. So the best way to succeed is to start out with realistic expectat

How do we prevent Childhood Obesity?

  Children who are overweight may not develop socially as fast as their peers. They can become loners, finding it difficult to make friends. They may think that their weight is beyond their control and they may not know what to do in order to attempt to prevent weight gain. In essence, obese children can become our lost generation. The parents of these children may not realize how detrimental obesity is to their childrens emotional health. They may consider the obesity just a passing phase and they may not understand the psychological devastation that obesity can cause. They may even dismiss the concerns of their children, hoping that the problem will simply go away. The causes of childhood obesity can be complex. However, there do appear to be a few identifiable triggers. For instance, many families now eat on the run because of their many commitments. Parents may not think they have time to prepare nutritious meals for their children, so they rely on fast food and sugary snacks to fi

Health and fitness through weight loss.

  Health and fitness is most of the time associated with physical appearanceespecially weight. And why not? It is the weight of the person can tell whether he or she is living a healthy lifestyle due to the foods and habits that he or she has. For those who think that their weight greatly affects their self-esteem because of physical appearance, health, emotional stability, physical abilities and the overall quality of their life in general, then it is about time that they contemplate on losing weight. When does losing should start People who have finally decided to lose weight should know where to begin. First, he or she must determine the real reason or reasons why they would want to lose weight. By determining and establishing the reason/s why one would want to lose weight, this can help him or her because they can these as motivations during the weight loss phases they are about to face. Next, they must know it within themselves if they can truly and whole-heartedly commit in doing

How to borrow from Yoga for Weight Loss.

  Yoga is often praised in the mass media as the new fitness-craze promising weight loss, and increased strength and flexibility. However, when one sees a yoga practitioner curled up in a seemingly impossible pose, the natural tendency is to think: Well this person has been practicing for years, how can Yoga help me lose the weight now? Through the acclaimed Sun Salutations, thats how. What are they? These exercises are a combination of Yoga Poses, Breathing Exercises, Sun Bathing and Prayer. They have been practiced for centuries by Yoga Practitioners in India, Martial Artists and African Wrestlers and as a system to rejuvenate the body and soul are beyond compare. Its been said in the Drugless Healing circles that one round of the Sun Salutations is much better than a week of exercises at the gym! They are very simple to learn and just about anyone, regardless of their fitness or flexibility levels can learn these simple exercises. In actuality, if you are familiar with burpies (the

Information And Advice To Help People To Lose Weight

  Sha If you are looking into ways of how you can become fitter or how you can lose weight, this article may be of interest to you. It gives information and advice to help people to successfully lose weight and more importantly to keep this weight off in the long term. I have had many issues with my own weight and have tried many different weight loss programs and diets. I have lost weight but then after only a short period of time, I would put all of the weight back on again. A few years ago, I decided to try to reduce the amount I weighed yet again, but was determined that this time the fat would stay off. I had read many books on the subject of fitness and dieting and decided to follow some of the advice which I had learnt. I wrote down all of the reasons I was trying to lose the excess fat. This is very important as it would be a constant reminder of what I am attempting to achieve and also about why I am attempting to achieve it. It would give me a huge motivation to stick to my w

Is obesity a world wide problem?

  Obesity is a world wide problem. Scientist across our nations is consumed with studying this problem. In just the last decade, obesity seems to be the problem that’s causing most of the diseases. It is no longer uncommon to find diseases like diabetes hitting kids. According to recent studies there are millions of kids below 18 who are getting diseases like diabetes. What shocked me the other day was a heart attack of a 22yr old boy. It scared me. With the growing rate of diseases, it seems like reaching the age of 50 in good health seems impossible for some of us. The need of the hours is weight loss, rapid weight loss. Many people are resorting liposuction and other surgeries. I do not recommend going under the knife. I believe the best way to lose weight is to have a healthy diet and to exercise regularly. I do not recommend pills either. Obesity is a very treatable disease which does not require any kind of medication. The first step in dealing with your obesity problem is recogn