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Is obesity a world wide problem?


Obesity is a world wide problem. Scientist across our nations is consumed with studying this problem. In just the last decade, obesity seems to be the problem that’s causing most of the diseases. It is no longer uncommon to find diseases like diabetes hitting kids. According to recent studies there are millions of kids below 18 who are getting diseases like diabetes. What shocked me the other day was a heart attack of a 22yr old boy. It scared me. With the growing rate of diseases, it seems like reaching the age of 50 in good health seems impossible for some of us.

The need of the hours is weight loss, rapid weight loss. Many people are resorting liposuction and other surgeries. I do not recommend going under the knife. I believe the best way to lose weight is to have a healthy diet and to exercise regularly. I do not recommend pills either. Obesity is a very treatable disease which does not require any kind of medication.

The first step in dealing with your obesity problem is recognizing you have a problem and realizing you need to do something about it. Some people are able to admit this fast enough while still others find it very difficult. Obesity is not always life threatening but if not taken care of it can become lethal. After realizing you have a problem, the nest step is to do something about it. You can choose what your next step will be, be it dieting, surgery, pills, gyming, exercising at home etc.

I recommend exercise. One of the most unconventional types of exercise is dancing. It may sound silly but it works. I have done this form of exercise and was surprised by the weight I lost. For women, I recommend you dance using high heels. It is a great way of exercising. You begin to sweat in just a few minutes. The famous Hollywood actress Kristie Alley knocked of most of her extra pounds doing this form of exercise. She now looks better than ever and is indeed still sexy and appealing to the opposite sex.

Dancing raises your heart rate whish is good. It also tones and tightens your muscles. Dancing helps you burn a lot of calories. You can lose as much or more calories dancing as compared to swimming, walking or riding a bike. Most of us hate the idea of exercising, it just doesn’t seem fun. Dancing is unlike any other exercise. It is fun. You get to choose your music and dance according to it. Due its unconventional form, this method of exercise is very appealing. Since dancing does not involve only repeating the same steps again and again, it isn’t monotonous. It doesn’t seem like a routine and hence is the perfect option for exercise. Mind you, results are ever so fast. I recommend hip hop since the beats are fast and force you to dance fast. Every half hour of dancing will make you shed a few pounds. Go ahead and give this a shot. Dance your way into becoming slim and sexy.

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